Counselling Rates and Hours

Counselling Hours

We have flexible counselling hours, with in person or online appointments available 7 days a week. We offer reasonable fees and flexible payment methods, with a strict confidentiality policy.

Book an appointment online or call 250-962-2415.

Counselling Sessions

If you are unsure about how often you would like to come in, we recommend starting with weekly or bi-weekly appointments, but it is possible to come less frequently.

It is not uncommon for a client to consult with a counsellor for one to four sessions, or engage in short-term work lasting 10-20 sessions. Clients who want to make more substantial gains in their personal growth, engage in longer term therapy.

Our sessions are 60 minutes or 90 minutes.

Appointments are arranged by calling 250-962-2415 or by booking an appointment online.


Senior Associate Therapist

Therapist with a depth of experience and a minimum of 5 years in practice. May have additional specialized training.

Associate Therapist (Qualifying)

Therapist who has received their Master’s degree but still waiting to receive their designation from a governing body (BCACC, CCPA, CPCA, ACCT).

Associate Therapist (Candidate)

Therapist who has completed the practicum component of their Master’s degree. They have not yet completed the final requirements of their degree and are under the supervision of a Registered Supervisor.

Associate Therapist (Practicum)

Therapist currently completing the practicum component of their Master’s Degree under the supervision of a Registered Supervisor. An excellent opportunity to access therapy at an affordable price.

Remote Therapist

Therapist who provides counselling exclusively through online video or telephone sessions. They do not meet with clients for in-person sessions. Our remote therapists are specially chosen for their skills so that we can offer the best services to our clients.

Counselling Rates

*** Effective June 1, 2024 ***
(incl. GST)

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $150.00

  • 90 Minutes $225.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $165.00

  • 90 Minutes $247.50


Christina Bianchini, RPC MPCC #3239

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $145.00

  • 90 Minutes $217.50

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $160.00

  • 90 Minutes $240.00


Karyn Henkel MSW, RCSW #12044

Erica Moore RCSW #09868

Stella Ndunda RCC #2765

Savina Purewal RPC #4400

For online video & Telephone Sessions Only

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $140.00

  • 90 Minutes $210.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $155.00

  • 90 Minutes $232.50


Jane Jewitt RTC #2277

Sandeep Nagra MA, RCC-ACS #6640, CCC #6674 

Dave Scully RCSW #10020

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $140.00

  • 90 Minutes $210.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $155.00

  • 90 Minutes $232.50

Adejuwon Adeleye RCC #19375

Happiness Anekwe RSW #15310

Regan Beebe CCC #10000692

Wyatt Creyke RCC #18070

Kelly Daigle RSW #13733

Fiona Demers MC, CCC, CCS #10002355

Kathleen Jaggassar  RCC #21512, CCC #10010732

Jay Kryklywyj RTC #2083

Cayla Steinbach RSW #12085, RCC #18949

Marta Torok RCC #20025

Simon Zukowski RCC (#20618)

For online video & telephone sessions only

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $130.00

  • 90 Minutes $195.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $145.00

  • 90 Minutes $217.50


Julia Fixsen RTC #3132

Tanya Horne RTC #3279

Lindy van der Burg RTC #2755

Sarah White RCC #20569

Shedeka Richards RCC #23420

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $80.00

  • 90 Minutes $120.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $95.00

  • 90 Minutes $142.50


Trevor Krull, Masters Counselling Candidate #S00803

Pomaa Arthur, Masters Counselling Candidate #S01349

Sameer Sadhir, Masters Counselling Candidate

Individual Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $60.00

  • 90 Minutes $90.00

Couples & Family Counselling

  • 60 Minutes $75.00

  • 90 Minutes $112.50

Currently there are no Practicum therapists.

Payment is due at the beginning of each session. After payment is received, a receipt will be issued by email.

Payment Policy

  • If you are seeing us in person, you may pay by cash or credit card at the time of your session. Please bring exact change if you are paying by cash. You may also pay by internet bank transfer prior to the start of your appointment. Details are in the intake form.
  • Prepayment is required for out of office clients. We accept payment through credit card, or internet bank transfer. Prepayment is required before time of session.
  • In Canada, if you are covered by extended health insurance at work you may be eligible for some coverage of counselling sessions. Before you come for counselling, call your insurance provider (e.g., Great West Life, Pacific Blue Cross, Sunlife, Greenshield) for your coverage details.

Cancellation Policy

  • Clients must provide a minimum of 48 hours notice for all cancellations. Appointments that are cancelled or missed without 48 hours notice will be charged the full amount of the scheduled appointment. Cancellations or changes to your appointment can be made online or by calling our office at 250-962-2415
  • Snow policy or weather emergencies: Sessions are held at the appointed time by phone or secure online video call (instead of in person) in the case of a declared Snow Emergency (or other Travel-Ban).


All of the information that we share together is strictly confidential, unless one of the following should occur:

    1. The courts subpoena my files.
    2. I am subpoenaed as a witness in court.
    3. I suspect a case of child abuse that has not been previously reported. In this case I am required by law to report to the Ministry for Children and Families.
    4. If you threaten to harm yourself or another. In this case I am also required to report this to the proper authorities.